Mr. Pest Control effectively deals with: Ants, bed bugs, box elder bugs, centipedes, earwigs, fleas, flies, hornets, mice, millipedes, mites, mosquitos, pack rats, roaches, silver fish, spring tails, spiders, also other insects and rodents.
The Pavement Ant, aka sugar ant, an also be called the grease ant. These ants get their name because they live under rocks or pavement. From under the pavement or concrete they will come up between the cracks. The evidence of the ants are small dirt mounds pushed out of the cracks. They like to eat sugary foods and proteins. Pavement ants are very small and can be red to black in color. These ants respond well to green methods.
Carpenter ants are black to rust red in color. The ants very in size from small to large. They also carry six months of body fat. Making them picky at what they will eat. They are known for building their ant nests inside of wood. They do not eat the wood, but they cut the wood with their jaws. The wood is usually damaged by moisture, but they can attack dry wood. They will transport water into the wood to help soften the wood. Over time carpenter ants can do as much damage to a structure as termite.
Field ants are black and red in color they make large mounds out of pine needles, grass, or other debris. These mounds are usually against a fence post, trees, or stumps. These ants tend to feed on bugs or farm aphids. Field ant will travel long distances fallowing scent trails. These ants respond well to green methods.
Bed bugs look similar to ticks, as they are flat and round. Bed bugs do not have a hard exoskeleton like a tick. Bed bugs start out small about the size of a pin, and reach about the size of a pencil eraser. Their color ranges from a very light tan to blackish red. They have mouth like a mosquito. They are nocturnal, but can switch to any time there is a food source. Bed bugs primarily respond to co2 plume to motivate to feed. Another issue is they can go for months without feeding. There are all kinds of treatments to deal with Bed Bugs these days. Call us to ask about our treatment methods and our guarantee.
There are many kinds of flies. Housefly, or filth fly, cluster fly, demisted fly, fruit fly, and fungus fly. All these flies are found in the state. The fruit and fungus flies usually are due to a sanitation problem with trash and drains, that are not clean. The filth, cluster, and demisted flies are common outside pests, which come in the fall, attracted to the heat from inside the home. They breed quickly once the temperature reaches 70 degrees. The fast reproduction of flies during the summer months is why they become a problem in the fall.
There are four kinds of roaches in the United States. There is the American roach, German roach, Smokey Brown roach, and Oriental roach. None of the roaches are found in Montana, but roaches can be carried here through shipping, or travel. The most common roach, that we deal with in Montana are the German roach, but the Smokey Brown roach can often be found here as well.
The most common in our area are Carolina Wolf, Hobo, aka Aggressive house spider, Black widow, and Grass spiders, Cross Orb weaver, Black and Yellow Garden Spider, Banded Garden Spider, Ant Mimic Spider, Long legged Sac spider, Eastern Parson spider, Golden Crab Spider, White banded Crab Spider, Common House spider, Bold Jumper spider, Long bodied Cellar Spider, Zebra Jumper spider, and Barn Funnel Weaver spider. To help you identify spiders here is a link

Female hobo spider in Corvallis
The Bald Faced hornet is black and white, the face is mostly white. The European Paper wasp gets confused with the Yellow Jacket. The Yellow Jacket has a fatter body, more yellow body than black, and in flight the legs are tucked close to the body. The European Paper wasp is equal black and yellow. The yellow and black are bolder and sharper contrast than the Yellow Jacket. The European Paper wasp flies with the legs hanging down. Best form of summer control is placing wasp traps out early in the year to trap the queens, who are the first to come out in the spring, reducing the total wasp population in the area.
All feed on the lawns, and trees. They enter the home in large numbers, becoming a major nuisance. They can enter the home for long periods of time. Having a treatment is very helpful and can reduce the numbers.